Rohullah a Reza

Streda, 25 Marec 2015 08:55 Tomáš ČULÁK, žiak 3.A, Obchodná akadémia Prievidza

  "For seven years we have been helping our teacher Mr. Malega to support the project „škola namiesto ulice“, in English „School instead of the street“. Currently, we are supporting a 16-year old girl Farahnaz Sayed Khan Agha and 8-year old boy Basir Nasir. Thanks to the amount of 330,- € we can provide them with a yearlong school attendance. This school year, we managed to collect 710,- €, more than in any of the previous years. For all these years we have collected 2 662,- € thanks to the help of our students, teachers and friend of our schol“ - viac v článku Tomáša Čuláka z III. A

  • Posledná zmena na Streda, 25 Marec 2015 10:17